The State Property Fund of Ukraine is fully committed to transparent privatization of Ukrainianstate-ownedassetsin accordancewith internationalstandards.
The Government of Ukraine approved the list of 23 large privatization state-owned objects to be privatized in 2018. The assets come from a multitude of industries – energy, infrastructure,agriculture,chemicalsandothers.
It is our sincere belief that experienced strategic investors may bring the critically required financingandexpertiseandhelpturningthoseassetsinto industry-leadingbusinesses.
Team of the State Property Fund of Ukraine contacts:
- Calling the “hotline”: +380 800 50 56 46
- Writing us an email: [email protected]
- Reviewing objects on our dedicated website:
- Sending a letter to us at: 18/9 HeneralaAlmazova Str, Кyiv 01133, Ukraine